Saturday, November 13, 2010

Michael Economides (2)

When writing about Spanish Civil War veteran Michael (Miquel) Economides, I did not expect to (virtually) meet his son, who happens to live in New Zealand as well. 
Kim Economides, a wearer of txapelduns himself, sent me a video of his late father reciting a poem by Rafael Alberti in the Madrid Sports Stadium in November 1996. 
Michael died 20 days after.  
I have to confess that the Alberti's poem (in Spanish) is too much for my minor knowledge of Spanish, but I loved the poetry in the words of Michael Economides. 

Enjoy and remember.


  1. I would like to know which Rafael Alberti poem Michael recited. Did he become a Spanish citizen? (Offered to International Battalion volunteers.)

  2. The poem that my father recited was "Capital de la gloria. Madrid-otoño". He was made an honorary Spanish citizen in November 1996 around the time he recited the poem by Alberti. I am currently applying for Spanish citizenship as a descendant of those who fought against Franco in the SCW under Art.33 of the Democratic Memory Law 20/2022.
