Friday, October 24, 2014

The Patriotic Pioneers "Che Followers" of the "Heroic Guerrilla Primary School Movement"

Regular visitors of The Beret Project know of my frustration about the idolization of Che Guevara.
It's the same here, but then, hard not to be softened when seeing these little kids in their black Che berets reciting the rubbish they are taught about their hero.
The Patriotic Pioneers "Che Followers" of the "Heroic Guerrilla Primary School Movement" was one of the winning entries in the provincial workshop held in Cienfuegos, Cuba. Getting students to approach the qualities of the exceptional commander focuses the purpose of teaching experience.
I don't think they are taught about the concentration camps that were set up by Che, the executions of people who dared to have a different opinion or the many books that were banned by the heroic guerilla. But yes, very sweet children. 

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