Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

William Michael Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti (1829 –1919) was an English writer and critic. 

Born in London, he was a son of immigrant Italian scholar Gabriele Rossetti and his wife Frances Rossetti née Polidori.

He was one of the seven founder members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848. It was William Michael Rossetti who recorded the aims of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood at their founding meeting in September 1848:

  • To have genuine ideas to express:
  • To study Nature attentively, so as to know how to express them;
  • To sympathize with what is direct and serious and heartfelt in previous art, to the exclusion of what is conventional and self-parading and learned by rote;
  • And most indispensable of all, to produce thoroughly good pictures and statues.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Vitorino Salomé Vieira (1942), commonly known simply as Vitorino, is a Portuguese singer-songwriter.

His music combines the traditional music of his native region of Alentejo and urban popular song.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Chavism or Chavezism (Spanish: Chavismo) is a left-wing political ideology based on the ideas, programs and government style associated with the former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez that combines elements of democratic socialism, left-wing populism, patriotism, internationalism, Bolivarianism, feminism, and Caribbean and Latin American integration. 

Supporters of Chávez and Chavismo are known as Chavistas and typically wear Chavez' red beret, or boina.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Simo Kiviranta

Simo Kiviranta (1936 - 2004) was a Finnish Count and Licentiate in Theology.

Kiviranta was initially a parish priest in the Länsi-Pori parish and the Turku Cathedral parish. After, he was an assistant at the Department of Religion and Missionary Studies and the Ecumenical Archive of the University of Helsinki and an assistant at the Department of Ecumenics of the Department of Systematic Theology from 1966–1992.

Kiviranta edited several theological books and translated Martin Luther's texts into Finnish. For the last years he was the chairman of the Finnish Luther Foundation.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Louis Ferron

Louis Ferron (born Karl Heinz Beckering; 1942 –2005) was a Dutch novelist and poet.

Louis Ferron was born in Leiden out of an adulterous relationship between a married German soldier and a waitress from Haarlem named Ferron. His father took the boy to Germany, and when he was killed shortly before the end of World War II, Karl Heinz was raised in Bremen as the stepchild of his father's widow. After the war he returned to the Netherlands, where he was renamed Aloysius (Louis) Ferron. He was raised by his mother's parents, but also stayed with foster families and in children's homes. Initially he desired to be a painter; at age 18, he married a daughter of the author Lizzy Sara May, and his wife encouraged him to become a writer.

Ferron's work involves topics found in the work of Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud; he was influenced by Thomas Bernhard and especially by Louis-Ferdinand Céline. In his novels, Ferron unmasks ideologies and romantic illusions to uncover the chaos of desire and secret formal conventions.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Boinas Blanca


Revolutionaries with white berets and cannon. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1890.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Romanian Fascists

Romanian schoolteachers after a paramilitary training session, two of them giving the fascist "Roman salute". Paramilitary training by and for the teaching corps was instituted under the corporatist regime of King Carol II, and lasted into World War II.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Black and Tans

This shot of joking Black and Tans and Auxiliaries was taken outside the London and North Western Hotel, North Wall, Dublin as they surveyed the damage after an I.R.A. attack on their quarters. Written on the mount of this photo was "Tans glad to have escaped the bombs thrown at their headquarters in Dublin".

The next day's Irish Times started a long report with these paragraphs: "... the hotel, which is at present occupied by Auxiliary police, was attacked shortly before eight o'clock yesterday morning by a party of men with bombs and rifles. The police returned the fire, and one of the attackers was seriously wounded and has since been taken to George V. Hospital. Two other men were also wounded and are now patients in the Mater Hospital. Another account from an authoritative source says that twelve bombs were thrown at the windows of the hotel, which is occupied by members of the Auxiliary police force employed on duty at the docks. Six men fired revolvers at the windows. Fire was returned by the police and one man was killed in the act of throwing a bomb, and one cadet was slightly wounded..."

Date: Monday, 11 April 1921

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Caricature of Gracia y Justicia, conservative magazine of political humor published in Spain during the Second Republic. It shows a woman with her boyfriend, both humble, planning her marriage to a wealthy man (Don Gregorio) only to get his fortune after the divorce. The vignette is part of the campaign organized by Catholic right media and parties in order to avoid the legalization of divorce.

In the text that accompanies the cartoon reads: "I thought that first I will marry Don Gregorio, and with the money that I will take from him in the divorce, I will marry you and live happily."

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Nando Cordel


Nando Cordel, stage name of Fernando Manoel Correia (1953), is a Brazilian singer, composer and instrumentalist.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Olive Oil


Olive oil salesman in Lisbon, Portugal. Early 20th century.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Manuel García

Manuel García (1966) is a Spanish poet, essayist, translator, literary critic, bookbinder, editor and viola gamba player.

His love of books has led him to dedicate himself to various trades related to books. As a bookbinder he is in the artistic line of the bookbinders Juan Argenta and Sebastián Rodríguez. As a bibliophile, an old bookseller and an expert in antique books, he has worked in the elaboration of numerous catalogs, in addition to carrying out restoration and binding works of important works of the Spanish literary heritage for various bookstores, especially for the now-defunct "El Desván" bookstore. from Seville (from 1992 to 2005), where he was taught by the bookseller Luis Andújar and Miguel Castilla.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Manuel Caballero

Manuel Antonio Caballero Agüero (1931 - 2010) was a notable Venezuelan historian, journalist, best-selling author and professor of contemporary Venezuelan History at the Central University of Venezuela.

Caballero was born in Barquisimeto, studied History at the Central University of Venezuela and obtained a PhD at University College London. With the publication of his PhD dissertation he became the first Venezuelan author to be published by Cambridge University Press.

In 1989 he was invited to teach at the Universitá degli Studi di Napoli in Italy. He wrote regularly for Venezuelan newspapers El Nacional, El Diario de Caracas and most recently El Universal. Despite his past as a left-wing thinker and political activist, in particular against President Rómulo Betancourt, in his later years he became one of the most vocal and vehement critics of President Hugo Chávez and his administration. He revised his perspective on President Betancourt in a biography written in 2004.

On 2010, he underwent a prostate surgery that triggered a series of infections unresponsive to antibiotics, further complicated by diabetes. He died on 12 December 2010.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Jean Vallette d'Osia

Jean Vallette d'Osia (1898 - 2000) was a French officer, best known for his actions in the French Resistance during World War II in Haute-Savoie, notably supervising the liberation of Lyon.

He ended his career in 1958 with the rank of Général de corps d'armée after having commanded the 27th Chasseurs Alpins Brigade.

Vallette d'Osia was also a staunch anti-communist and in later life linked to the far-right National Front.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gary Wetzel

Gary George Wetzel (1947) is a former United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Vietnam War.

Wetzel joined the United States Army from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at age 18 in 1965. By January 8, 1968 he was a private first class serving as a door gunner in the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company. On that day, near Ap Dong An, Republic of Vietnam, his helicopter was shot down and the survivors, including Wetzel, came under heavy enemy fire. Severely wounded by an explosion that nearly severed his left arm, he continued to man his machine gun and help other injured soldiers. 

Wetzel survived his wounds, although his left arm had to be amputated. He was subsequently promoted to specialist four and awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Roger Rössing

Roger Rössing (1929 - 2006) was a German photographer, author and publicist. He was one of the most famous photographers in East Germany.

Rössing studied photography from 1948 to 1951 with Johannes Widmann at the Leipzig College of Graphics and Book Art. He and his wife RenateRössing belonged to the Leipzig group “action fotografie” in the 1950s. Both published about 90 books.

Rössing has also been active as a publicist and author, and not only in photographic literature. In the couple's last book, which was published in April 2006, both recorded their observations in their hometown of Leipzig over five decades. The Rössing Foundation, which supports authors and photographers, is named after the couple.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Goat in a Tree

 A Cautionary Tale (from the High Atlas mountains of Morocco)

Our latest label and beret design is inspired by a sad but true encounter which Mister Childish had whilst enjoying a walking/sketching trip to the High Atlas Mountains with his good wife in the early 2000's. Sitting himself beneath an ancient juniper tree he took up brush and paper and proceeded to sketch the vista before him.
It was whilst so engaged that he felt his beret being lifted from his head.

Turning sharply, he was confronted by a white billy goat, his beret dangling from its laughing mouth.
Before a man could utter 'billy goat gruff' the goat sprang into the bows of the ancient juniper and then with great agility ascended to the highest branches of the tree from where it looked down upon mister Childish in what he later described 'a look of malevolent glee'.
The goat then began chomping on Mister Childish's beret consuming it entirely, bite by goaty bite.
It is in commemoration of the sad but true destruction of an otherwise impermeable beret that we have created this special Goat in a Tree - Chyldish Fear Naught Beret.
Wear your beret with pride, but when walking in the mountains, never turn your back on a goat.

Billy Childish

The Goat in a Tree series is a line of full weight (110 - 130 grams) heavy duty berets. These berets come in three stunning colours and in three plateau's/diameters of approximately 27, 29 and 30.5cm.

The label is based on the painting 'Goat in a Tree' by Billy Childish and stands for superbly made berets in dense merino wool with a British style 100% cotton lining.

Parameters for the making of the Goat in a Tree berets were: Comfort; Natural Materials (Wool and Cotton); Beauty (Intense Earthly Colours); High Insulation Capacity; a Variety of Diameters to Suit Different Tastes and Styles, a Good Grip for (Wellington-like) Windy Weather and Affordability.

The available colours are Winter-Green ("Feldgrau"), Russet (Chestnut) and Pine (Jade).

The making of the beret label in four colours; Black, Orange, Turquoise and Silver:

Monday, October 12, 2020

Atano III



Mariano Juaristi Mendizábal (1904 –2001) was an Azkoitian Basque pelota player known as Atano III.

He is often considered one of the best pelotaris of all time, dominating the 1st hand-pelota category from 1926 to 1948 and winner of 4 championships (1940, 1942, 1944 and 1946).

Mariano Mendizábal was born on 1904 in Azkoitia, Guipúzcoa in the Caserío Atano from which his family pseudonym comes. The Juaristi (or Atano) family formed a pelotari dynasty, six of them were pelotaris and one of them manufactured balls. Mariano, Atano III, was the most well-known of them.


Atano VII, his younger brother, also was an important player, as was Atano X, son of Atano I.

Mendizábal lost the ability to walk and was limited to a wheelchair in his last years, dying on January 12, 2001.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Heinrich Vogeler

Heinrich Vogeler (1872 –1942) was a German painter, designer, and architect, associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.

He volunteered for military service in World War I in 1914, and he was sent to the eastern front in 1915. Vogeler came to know of the Bolsheviks ideology during his time at the front as well as through his trips to Poland, Romania, Dobrudscha and Russia. After he made a written appeal for peace to the German Emperor, he was briefly sent to a mental hospital in Bremen before being discharged from military service.

After the war he became a pacifist. In 1931 Vogeler and his second wife Zofia "Sonja" Marchlewska emigrated to Russia. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union he along with other German citizens was deported in 1941 to Kazakhstan by the Soviet authorities and died there in 1942.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Kord Baeumer

Kord Baeumer (1926 - 1998) was a German crop scientist.

From 1967 to 1992 he taught at the Georg-August University in Göttingen. His research focus was the development of extensive, long-term stable arable farming systems.

In his lectures, Kord Baeumer covered the entire field of arable and crop production and also represented the subject of grassland teaching in lectures and exercises. He was an enthusiastic university lecturer, for whom the personal conversation with the students was very important. A particular concern for him was the training of the next generation of scientists for his subject. However, he was reluctant to have a doctoral thesis written for every current problem. As a doctoral supervisor, he gave his doctoral students maximum freedom in carrying out their experiments as soon as he was convinced that they had the right flair for scientific research.