Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Belgium & Luxembourg Brown Berets in the Korean War

The Volunteer Corps for Korea was a Belgian–Luxembourg military force sent to assist South Korea during the Korean War. Over the course of its existence, 3,171 Belgians and 78 Luxembourgers served in the unit.

After training, volunteers received their characteristic brown berets. Soldiers from Luxembourg who were trained alongside the Belgians were organised into 1st Platoon, A Company of B.U.N.C.

Veterans Gilbert Buchholtz, Robert Mores, LĂ©on Moyen, Mathias Morgiel

The Belgian-Luxembourg Corps sailed from Antwerp to Pusan and arrived on 31 January 1951. The Volunteer Corps was dismantled in 1955.

The television show M*A*S*H (1972-1983) had an episode which included a wounded Luxembourg lieutenant entering the 4077.

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