After a typical upbringing on the north coast of California and university studies in Salt Lake City with Ladd McIntosh and William Fowler, Gregg Moore arrived in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

For 20 years he was part of that citys’ vibrant music world playing jazz, improvised and experimental music, folk, blues, reggae, latin, music for dance and theatre with the groups of Peter v. Bergen, Dies le Duc, Han Buhrs, Pauline de Groot, Friends Roadshow, Footsbarn Theatre, G.T. Moore, Billy O’Haire including 6 years with the wildly acclaimed Willem Breuker Kollektief. He founded the eclectic music group Available Jelly with fellow Humboldters, Michael Vatcher, Jimmy Sernesky and Michael Moore. He taught, wrote music for documentary films and coordinated large scale multi-media projects.

From 1994 to 2004 Gregg Moore was based in rural Portugal teaching at Music schools, universities and theatre schools and active in collecting and promoting relevant applications of various aspects of the unique Portuguese folk culture. He organized workshops directed large scale projects, played jazz, pop and improvised music with Laurent Filipe, Ena Pa 2000, Cool HipNoise, Nuno Rebelo, Americo Rodrigues and promoted his own groups such as Os Macacos das Ruas de Evora, A Banda Nova, Fanfare Mand’je, Altered Natives and Metallae Eborae.
Since Nov. 2004 a circle has been completed and Gregg Moore is once again based in Humboldt Co. California, promoting his unique vision of community development through amateur music, writing music for Theatre (Dell Arte Company, Flying Karamazov Brothers), teaching and performing.
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