Monday, August 5, 2024

Léon Bakst

Léon Bakst, born Leyb-Khaim Izrailevich Rosenberg (1866 – 1924) was a Russian painter and scene and costume designer of Jewish origin.

He was a member of the Sergei Diaghilev circle and the Ballets Russes, for which he designed exotic, richly coloured sets and costumes.

Despite being known for his work as a stage designer, art was also commissioned by various English families during the Art Deco era. During this time, he produced such works as the Sleeping Beauty series for James and Dorothy de Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor in 1913.

Léon Bakst was also a prolific writer, his literary legacy in three languages includes novels, numerous publications in magazines, critics, essays, letters to friends and colleagues.

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