Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Zealand Berets at South Pacific Cowboy!

Basque Berets from the 'Land of the Long White Cloud', or Aotearoa?  Yes! Despite Kiwi's showing great affection for the American style baseball cap, there are still some hardline traditionalists to be found, sticking against the odds to Basque Berets, Tam-o-Shanters, Balmorals, Caubeens and Scottish Bonnets. 
What's more? Basque berets are actually made here, right in the heart of New Zealand, by Hills Hats in Petone by the Wellington harbour!


  1. So where do I buy one of these Hills Hats merino berets. The long doesn't work for me.

    1. Ah yes, that link is now 6 years old and no more Hills Berets available. Plenty and much much better quality choice at
