Sunday, October 8, 2023

Spies #3 Hugo Bleicher

Hugo Bleicher (1899–1982) was a senior non-commissioned officer of Nazi Germany's Abwehr (Secret Service) who worked against French Resistance in German-occupied France.

Bleicher was recruited into the Abwehr during the Second World War because of his knowledge of French and Spanish; however, he never rose above the rank of Feldwebel (equivalent to Sergeant). He was ruthless in his pursuit of anyone in France who opposed German domination. He disabled the Franco-Polish "Interallié" network and captured both Polish Air Force Captain Roman Czerniawski and some of his headquarters’ staff, one of whom was Mathilde Carré, who had contacts with the Vichy 2nd Bureau. She reportedly became Bleicher's lover, betrayed everyone she knew in the network, and agreed to act as an Abwehr agent.

Bleicher with Roman Czerniawski after the War

Bardet betrayed SOE agents Peter Churchill and Odette Sansom who were arrested by Bleicher in April 1943. Sansom was subjected to brutal treatment and torture during interrogation before being transferred to a concentration camp, although none of this was carried out by Bleicher himself.

Odette Sansom, World War II's most decorated woman

Hugo Bleicher, together with two of his French Abwehr agents, was arrested in Amsterdam on 15 May 1945. In 1954, he published his memoirs, Colonel Henri's story. He was decorated by the Abwehr with the War Merit Cross 1st Class for his services.

After the war, he ran a tobacco shop.

1 comment:

  1. hello, i would like to ask if the photo of Bleicher with Roman Czerniawski after the War was taken from public domain? i need it for my essay for school
