Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dom Antoine Drouineau

With his Roman collar, his beret and his donkey, Dom Antoine Drouineau, 34, has not gone unnoticed on the roads of Loir-et-Cher, Loiret, in the Essonne and Seine-et-Marne. Chaplain in a school in Loir-et-Cher, he has been appointed priest referent in Moissy-Cramayel Lieusaint and Réau, and decided to turn his transfer into a pilgrimage.

“I wanted to make a little pilgrimage to arrive on my new ministry and have time to pray, he says. Walking with the donkey was conducive to meditation because it walks slowly.”

The journey of the young priest ran smoothly: “I put up the tent every night. People greeted me and offered me a shower or food. I went through the magnificent scenery of the Sologne, the Chambord forest, where we saw game, the Loire … “But a priest and his donkey on the roads has not failed to attract the curiosity of passersby: “When they saw that I was a priest with my Roman collar, they were even more intrigued by my approach. Some have asked me to pray for them. ‘

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