Saturday, August 24, 2024

Art Lucs

Art Lucs was a multidisplinary artist and was a member of Propeller Gallery, until his death in 2018.  In addition to exciting work in the field of Generative Art, he was also involved in several large scale public art projects.

“Fifteen years ago I started taking photographs of the pond near our home, while standing in the same place every day — an activity that I have since applied to other locations as well. Along with these day-to-day photos, I began taking rapid sequence photographs as I moved through various. landscapes, such as the route of the Toronto Subway and the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto. I then used each photo collection to create a composite image made up of individual multi-layered transparencies. The end result is always a slow surprise, evoking a dreamlike memory and the spirit of each unique location."

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