One of their activities is the pelote competition, every summer in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt, just north of Paris.
Basque Berets are prominently displayed on the posters!
Peaked Cap: for people who don't dare to wear a beret
More news about Boneteria Auloronesa, Laulhère, Bonigor and Arandú can be found in the newsletter that went out today.If there ever was a contest for the most stunningly beautiful beret, the Auloronesa in 'curcuma' would score very, very high!For many years, I have tried to get a beret in this colour (think of the Le Béret Français and Czech Classic in 'mustard'), but these are no competition for this Auloronesa. It's a natural dye that is very hard to get right, but Boneteria Auloronesa did the job. I have a very small number in 9.5 and 10p only, but hope to persuade the manufacturer to make another batch in 10.5, 11 and 12p-Alpin (no guarantee this will come to fruition).In the shipment, I received the often requested and now custom made 9.5p universels in navy; 5 only, for those boineros with a taste for small diameter berets.
You'd like your own beret, but don't know where to go for the very best?
The largest range of berets and related hats on the planet! Easy ordering 24/7, shipping within 24 hours; click here.