Since his debut on October 4, 1950, Snoopy has become one of
the most recognizable and iconic characters in the comic strip, and is
considered more famous than Charlie Brown in other countries than the US.
The original drawings of Snoopy were inspired by Spike, one
of Schulz's childhood dogs.

Snoopy is a loyal, innocent, imaginative and good-natured
beagle who is prone to imagining fantasy lives, including being an author, a
college student known as "Joe Cool" and a British World War I
"flying ace" in the Royal Flying Corps. He is perhaps best known in
this last persona, wearing an aviator's helmet and goggles and a scarf while
carrying a swagger stick (like a stereotypical British Army officer of World
War I and II).

Snoopy can be selfish, gluttonous, and lazy at times, and
occasionally mocks his owner, Charlie Brown, but on the whole, he shows great love, care, and loyalty for his
owner (even though he cannot even remember his name and always refers to him as
"The Round-Headed Kid"). In the 1990s comic strips, he is obsessed
with cookies.
All of his fantasies have a similar formula: Snoopy pretends
to be something, usually "world famous", and fails. His short
"novels" are never published, and his Sopwith Camel is consistently
shot down by his imaginary rival enemy, the German flying ace the "Red
Baron". Schulz said of Snoopy's character in a 1997 interview: "He
has to retreat into his fanciful world in order to survive. Otherwise, he leads
kind of a dull, miserable life. I don't envy dogs the lives they have to
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