A Charcoal burner is someone whose occupation is to
manufacture charcoal. Traditionally this is achieved by carbonising wood in a
charcoal pile or kiln. As an occupation it has almost died out in the first
world countries.

Charcoal burning is one of the oldest human crafts. The
knowledge gained from this industry still contributes to the solution of energy
problems today.

Since the Iron Age, high temperatures have had to be
produced for iron smelting, for glassmaking and for the working of precious
metals. Charcoal has been used to do this for centuries and, in order to
produce it, entire forests were felled. With the increasing use of stone coal
from the 18th century, the charcoal burning industry declined.
The process took six to eight days - in large kilns several weeks - during
which time the charcoal burner had to control the draught (by piercing small
holes and resealing them), being careful neither to allow the pile to go out
nor let it go up in flames. By observing the smoke exiting the kiln, the
charcoal burner could assess the state of the carbonization process. If the
smoke was thick and gray, the wood was still raw; thin, blue smoke indicated
good carbonization.

In earlier times, charcoal burners led an austere, lonely
life. They had to live near the kiln, usually in a charcoal burner's hut.
During the Middle Ages, charcoal burners were ostracized. Their profession was
considered dishonourable and they were frequently accused of evil practices.
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Hibachi Charcoal Burner