Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Oldest Man from Belgium

Maurits Stael saw the light of day near the Wijnendale castle on 25 September 1911 and is, at 107, the oldest man in Belgium.
Maurits married Maria Devooght in 1941, with whom he had four children. They ran a farm in Wijnendale, but in the early fifties they started a trade in sewing machines in the Breidelstraat in Torhout. The store still exists and is run by Dries Stael, the grandson of Maurits.
Maria died in 2003 at the age of 92 and six years ago Maurits moved to the residential care center Rusterloo in Beernem.
Maurits is a striking figure with his eternal beret and the many war medals that he always proudly has pinned to his coat. "As an ex-combatant of the Second World War, he has always worked hard to commemorate the war," says Frans Stael, a son (72).
Frans does not really know what the secret is of his father's high age. "Being between the people, is what kept him young."
Personally, I wonder of always wearing his beret may have played a role too...

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