Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Friday, February 26, 2021
The Ultimate Dog Toy (for FREE!)
For all those boineros that have at one time in their lives found their favourite beret chewed up by their best friend, there is now a solution.
A beret in natural wool that makes the ultimate toy for man’s best friend. Order one for free (($1.60 for added postage only) with any beret order.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
More Vintage Cars & Berets
A lady wearing a Basque beret and spectacles posing in the driver's seat of a Fiat Topolino. The location is a cobbled country road somewhere in northern Germany. A couple of farmhouses with thatched roofs are visible in the background. The car is equipped with a radiator grille cover.

Two ladies in fur coats posing with a rare Austro-Daimler saloon on a bleak winter's day. Note the unusual wing-mounted indicators and the pair of windshield defrosters, so-called Sleetchasers. The car is registered in the city of Vienna
A lady wearing a white dress and a Basque beret and a fellow in a white shirt posing with an Opel in the countryside. The car is registered with pre-war German licence plates of the Prussian province of Silesia.
Photos courtesy of Raoul, Vintage Cars & People.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Vintage Cars & Berets
A fellow wearing a Basque beret and a raincoat posing with a Pontiac on an Alpine road. The location is Fuscher Törl at the top of Grossglockner High Alpine Road, as the words "Fuscher Törl, September 1952" – handwritten on reverse – explain. Is he really the owner of the Swiss-registered convertible, or just a passer-by posing with a prestigious car for fun?
A young lady posing with a BMW in an Alpine landscape. The following words in German are handwritten on reverse: "1938 – Zur Besichtigung nach Schellenbergalm bei Berchtesgaden" (1938 – visiting Schellenbergalm near Berchtesgaden). The car is registered in the city of Munich
A fellow with a Basque beret and a little white dog posing with a Fiat. Note that the car's radiator mascot has the form of a dog's head. The Art déco-style radiator grille with its radial bars also seems to be an aftermarket addition to the car. Could these be French licence plates from the Territoire de Belfort region?
Photos courtesy of Raoul, Vintage Cars & People.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Monday, February 22, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Yep, another year again. This time 58...
Still wearing my beret every day, rain or shine, hot or cold, happy or sad, some 45 years in a row now.
Come on, make my day and BUY A BERET!