Monday, November 7, 2022

Chris Lebeau

Joris Johannes Christiaan (Chris) Lebeau (1878 - 1945) was a Dutch designer, painter and anarchist.

Self-portrait, 1941

Lebeau professed his beliefs with great vehemence. He called himself a religious anarcho-communist. In 1904 he was co-founder of the Dutch Association for Craft and Industrial Art (VANK).

Portrait of Sukadari K.U. Pakunigrat, 1933

After the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933, Lebeau entered into a marriage of convenience with a German Jewish refugee. In the same period, he took Sixta Heddema as a student under his care. During the occupation, Lebeau and Heddema used their artistic knowledge to forge documents. On November 3, 1943, Lebeau, his wife and Heddema were arrested for helping Jewish Dutchmen. He could be released if he promised to abstain from illegal work, but he declined. He was sent to the Dachau concentration camp on 25 May 1944. He died there of exhaustion.

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