"There is nothing in the world like this" says Rabbi Laibl Wolf. "We bring together ancient teachings and tradition with contemporary research to improve people's lives."
Rabbi Leibl Wolf belongs to, studies and teaches Kabbalah, a spiritual tradition that is well over 3500 years of age. "I teach a practical Kabbalah, earthed and anchored in the exigencies of everyday life for all faiths and all people."
Laibl's son, Menachem, is the director of 'Spiritgrow', a centre and shul for Jewish people who are detached from their roots and drawn to "The East" for less religion and more spirituality'.

Menachem: "We want them to try their own religion before searching elsewhere. People want peace and meditation without the religious side and we want people to see there is a spiritual side to Judaism as well, including peace and harmony. It's not just what they see in the media: rock-throwing, rules and finger-wagging."
The full interview with both rabbis can be read here.
I think Rabbi Laibl looks fantastic with his beret, although I can think of more interesting ones than his black Basque; some alternative motives like my embroidered Om-berets...?

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