Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Buena Vista & Le Béret Français

Buena Vista & Le Béret Français; two beret companies at opposite sides of the world, have come up with a very similar innovation for berets: dual- or bi-colour. 
The men behind Japanese fashion brand Buena Vista are Keiji Ishizuka and Tomonori Okazaki, former professional soccer players and now living in Barcelona, Spain. Two toned pieces were always a trademark of Buena Vista and the brand developed top quality berets in two colours in close cooperation with Boinas Elosegui.
These berets are made exclusively for Buena Vista and available through a number of web sites (like here and here); not cheap, but some of the most beautiful berets you'll ever see.
I am very privileged, receiving 3 for my own use (again, many thanks Tomo!).
Meanwhile, Le Béret Français has developed it's own unique method of manufacturing bi-colour berets. Their 'Anarchiste' in the traditional black&red of the Spanish anarchist movements of the 1930's has been available for a good while.
The range has now expanded with more models in (Pyreneen grown) wool in a good variety of colour combinations.
Now there are also the fantastic recycled Eco Berets Printemps.


  1. my favorite singer Suga from BTS brought me here to this website. I'm a beret fanatic but seeing the hefty price tag... one can dream right? You're lucky to be the proud owner of 3 now!!

  2. Innovation is good but is it possible to improve on an already great beret design? These berets don't do it for me.
