Czech artist, painter and sculptor Ludek Bari (aka Ludovít
or Lou Bari, 1949), is a self-taught sculptor, carver, painter and
occasional actor.

In the past he worked as a technician and receptionist at the Hotel Europe in Prague, where he occasionally restored paintings and furniture.

Bari had private lessons in figurative art, its expression in ceramics and porcelain by sculptor Alena Burešová, while he attended private lessons with painter Josefa Patera and sculptor Vlastimil Večeři.

He started making violins in the 1990's and until now he
created 20 violins of different sizes, colors and shapes. He works with yew,
maple or linden tree wood. Finishing one instrument takes several months.

In the past he worked as a technician or fire receptionist
at the Hotel Europe, where he occasionally restored paintings and furniture. Bari typically wears a Tartan lined Service Star beret, presently on SPECIAL at South Pacific Berets.
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