A Scottish spectator, adorned in Jacobite Uprising garb, enjoys the spectacle during the 2009 Braemar Gathering, held at the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park in Braemar, Scotland. Every year in Braemar, on the first Saturday of September, the town of 500 swells to 15,000 people, as visitors flock to partake in the athletic gallantry of the most celebrated of the Highland Games, a tradition that has existed, in some form, at Braemar for the last nine hundred years.
A protester wears a jumper and a beret with the stars of the European Union during a gathering entitled "Missing EU Already" near the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh, U.K. on Jan. 31, 2020. After more than three years of bickering and political gridlock the U.K. is scheduled to leave the European Union, ushering in what U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government is calling a new era of sweeping free-trade deals and investment.
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