Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Jonas Lie

Jonas Lauritz Idemil Lie (1833 –1908) was a Norwegian novelist, poet, and playwright who, together with Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Alexander Kielland, is considered to have been one of the Four Greats of 19th century Norwegian literature.

Five years after his son's birth, Lie's father was appointed sheriff of Tromsø, which lies within the Arctic Circle, and young Jonas Lie spent six of the most impressionable years of his life at that remote port.

At the University of Christiania, he made the acquaintance of Ibsen and Bjørnson. He graduated in law in 1857, and shortly afterwards began to practice at Kongsvinger. Clients were not numerous at Kongsvinger and Lie found time to write for the newspapers and became a frequent contributor to some of the Christiania journals.

Having obtained a small pension, he sought the greatest contrast he could find in Europe to the scenes of his childhood and started for Rome. He lived in North Germany, then he moved to Bavaria, spending his winters in Paris. In 1882 he visited Norway for a time but returned to the continent of Europe. His voluntary exile from his native land ended in the spring of 1893, when he settled at Holskogen, near Kristiansand. His works were numerous after that.

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