Monday, March 4, 2024

Juozas Keliuotis

Juozas Keliuotis (1902 - 1983) was a Lithuanian journalist, editor, writer, translator.

In 1945 Keliuotis was arrested and interrogated, deported to Pečiora camp.  He returned in 1947 to Lithuania, but arrested again in 1952. He returned from the Solikamsk camps in 1956.

Because he adhered to the ideals of an independent Lithuania - he did not write a public repentance, his articles were not published in any magazine, he was followed by the KGB.

However, Keliuotis created, communicated with emigrant Lithuanian artists through letters, translated books, was interested in modern art, gathered around him a circle of friends, and became one of the most popular dissident figures in Lithuania.

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