Saturday, May 25, 2024

Child Refugees Who Fled Nazis Plead for UK to Take in More Migrants

An old story (2018), but more relevant than ever:

Five former child refugees who fled Nazi persecution have urged Theresa May to welcome more young migrants into Britain.

The group of men and women, who came to the UK from Europe prior to the outbreak of World War Two, delivered a letter to Downing Street on Tuesday.

They were among 10,000 mostly Jewish children who escaped to Britain in 1938 and 1939 in a process that became known as Kindertransport.

Many of the children would never see their families again.

Lord Alf Dubs joined the group of former child refugees and campaigners 
To mark the 80th anniversary of the first Kindertransport trains arriving in the UK, the group of ex-refugees have signed a letter petitioning the government to take in more children.

Joined by Labour peer Lord Alf Dubs and Barbara Winton, the daughter of Kindertransport organiser Sir Nicholas Winton, the group wants more refugees welcomed into the UK under the Dubs scheme.

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