This much is true. For nearly 30 years, Cervantes has been public
about his love of cannabis and has been responsible for spreading the secrets
of successful marijuana cultivation to thousands of growers around the
globe. In 1983, he penned Indoor Marijuana Horticulture: The
Marijuana Grower’s Bible, which has since spawned a cottage industry of books
and instructional DVDs. For this, he became infamous to law enforcement
and a hero to pot enthusiasts. But the admiration isn't something he
wears easily.

With Cervantes, it’s difficult to separate the man from the image he has created. Readers of his books and columns have been treated to stories of his Mexican upbringing and world travel. Viewers of his prolific cannabis-growing videos see a dreadlocked, beret-wearing character, hidden behind sunglasses, talking about his “home country,”
“I’m a U.S.
citizen,” Cervantes states for the record. “It was kind of a joke I
played to throw people off. A little game I played for a long time.
But I don’t have to play any more.”
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