Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Berets from France

Ah yes, some good news from France: Le Petit Basque for the children, a true hunter's beret and the classic PeBeO at a very affordable price.
Since you one can't be too young starting to wear a beret, I now stock "Le Petit Basque"a traditional Béret Basque, made by the world's oldest beret manufacturer Blancq-Olibet. These 250mm diameter berets are available in black, navy and red, made of 100% pure wool with a satin lining and it's own "Le Petit Basque" embroidered label. And, as with any quality French beret, they are impermeable!  
 Also new is the hunter's beret Beruetta in dark orange. Simillar to the Beruetta in loden-green (the beret of the Chasseurs Ardennais), but in a colour that ensures that you won't be targeted by a trigger happy fellow hunter. If you happen to live in a country like New Zealand (with dozens of hunting accidents every year), you'll know how to value that !
Wanting to offer a more affordable beret with headband in the range of quality French berets, I now stock the Béret PeBeO - the most economic French beret with headband at South Pacific Berets. A great every-day-wear beret, impermeable and available in two diameters (9 and 10.5 pouces, resp. 256 and 291mm). Excellent value for money.
And last, the NIEBLA and Bakarra Excellence berets are well stocked again in a larger variety of sizes!

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