Robert William Arthur Cook (1931 –1994), better known since
the 1980s by his pen name Derek Raymond, was an English crime writer, credited
with being a founder of British noir.

The eldest son of a textile magnate, Cook spent his early
years at the family’s London house, off Baker Street, tormenting a series of
nannies. In 1937, in anticipation of the Second World War, the family retreated
to the countryside, to a house near their Kentish castle. In 1944 Cook went to
Eton, which he later characterized as a “hotbed of buggery” and “an excellent
preparation for vice of any kind”.
He dropped out at the age of 17. During his
National Service, Cook attained the rank of corporal (latrines). After a brief
stint working for the family business, selling lingerie in a department store
in Neath, Wales, he spent most of the 1950s abroad. He lived in the Beat Hotel
in Paris, rubbing shoulders with his neighbours William S. Burroughs and Allen
Ginsberg, and danced at fashionable left bank boîtes with the likes of Juliette
In New York he resided on the Lower East Side and was married to an
heiress from New England for all of sixty-five days. He claimed that he was
sick of the dead-on-its-feet upper crust he was born into, that he didn’t
believe in and didn’t want, whose values were meaningless.
He was seeking to
carve his way out — “Crime was the only chisel I could find.” Cook smuggled oil
paintings to Amsterdam, drove fast cars into Spain from Gibraltar, and
consummated his downward mobility by spending time in a Spanish jail for
sounding off about Francisco Franco in his local bar.